Blue Ridge Opportunities has always operated a blended Day Support Program that encompasses many aspects of Facility Based and Community Based Services. With the new Waiver Regulations, Blue Ridge Opportunities is adding two clearly defined services that can be accessed by individuals in the program that are designated Community Based to meet the needs of individuals in the program.

For more information on how you can enroll
 please contact Cathy Wolfe at 540-636-4960 or inquire at

Introduction to
Day Support Services
Blue Ridge Opportunities provides Developmental Day Support Services for individuals who need extra assistance in building independence in daily activities.
Our programs and services are tailored to each person’s Individualized Service Plan (ISP) and are coordinated by the Program Director, with implementation by the Day Support Coordinator. We emphasize activities that are age-appropriate and promote normalization. Services are designed through a Person-Centered Planning process, taking into account each individual’s unique goals and preferences.
Additional factors, such as assessments and evaluations (including strengths and needs inventory, SIS, vocational evaluations, social history, and past experiences), as well as input from the individual, their family, and their Support Coordinator, will help shape the services provided.

Self Care/ADL
Activities in this area relate to personal grooming and hygiene, clothing care, eating skills, basic housekeeping skills, shopping skills, basic meal preparation and care of belongings. Emphasis will be placed on learning and applying skills within the community using groups of 2-3 individuals or individual individual participation.

Participants who experience limited expressive and receptive language skills will be provided with opportunities to improve existing skills and pursue alternative methods of communication. Emphasis will be on the integration of the individual’s communication skills within all activities in the program.

Socio-Emotional Development
Individuals will be provided training in the development of skills that increase the ability to interact with others in a meaningful, purposeful, self-satisfying and socially appropriate manner. Growth in this area is to be emphasized within all facets of the program.

Cognitive/Educational Development
Individuals will be provided training in relevant conceptual and functional skills that will further enable the individual to achieve success in independent living. Many skills in this​ area correspond to skills in the activities of daily living. Emphasis will be on the development of those skills that are functional within the Individual’s environment.

Environmental Skills
Training will be available in the care of personal belongings, care and use of work tools, on-task behaviors, punctuality, appropriate dress, etc. Training will utilize actual sites where expected behaviors will occur.

Individuals will receive training and assistance in those activities which serve to bolster a individual’s self-esteem, increase community participation, and develop muscular and hand-eye coordination and to interact with others in a socially appropriate manner, Emphasis in this area will be on empowerment by having the individual express and pursue his or her individual interests. Activities in this area may also be utilized as positive reinforcement for success in other areas.

Sensory/Motor Development
While some issues in this area are addressed through recreational activities, individuals will also participate in non-recreational activities that promote muscle tone and coordination, hand-eye coordination, fine and gross motor skills and discrimination of shapes, sizes, textures, colors, etc.

Vocational Skills/Pre-Vocational Skills
Participants in the program will be able to spend a limited amount of time learning job tasks, skills and techniques similar to those required in sheltered environments so that they can move to the next least restrictive setting when their needs and skills will allow. This area will integrate skills from other areas, such as safety, communication, on-task behavior, discrimination of objects and appropriate dress for the work place.
Tiered Services
Group Day Support

Day Support Services are provided either in the community or facility setting. This service is provided with a staffing ration of 1:7 and encompasses skills necessary to build independence as defined in the introduction above. Goals are developed in accordance with the Person Centered Planning process and outlined in each individual’s ISP.
Community Engagement

Community Engagement is a new service established in 2016 following the Waiver Redesign. In this service individuals are given the opportunity to develop and build relationships with in their own community setting with the supports necessary to engage at a capacity they desire and as developed in their ISP. This service is provided with a staffing ratio of 1:3 and operates solely in the community. Activities vary based on individual support plans and needs, but may include volunteerism, naturally occurring educational and training activities, and the establishment of goals through Person Centered Planning. Goals may focus on any of the listed areas in section I.
Community Coaching

Community Coaching is a new service established in 2016 following the Waiver Redesign. Community Coaching is an individualized service intended to assist individuals in accessing the community and minimize barriers with provided supports according to individual service plans and the Person Centered Planning process. Activities may include, but not limited to, one on one supervision for volunteerism, community based activities that are otherwise not accessible in larger groups, the implementation of goal specific activities that an individual has been prevented from accessing in the past. Services will be individually based and carried out as dictated by the Service Plan with goals established through the Person Centered Process. This service is provided on with a 1:1 staffing ratio.